1. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute has an awesome blog called Insight, where they regularly post about topics and questions relevant to people living as cancer patients or survivors. Recently, they made a post about the question "How Long Does Chemotherapy Stay in Your Body?" I always wondered about this and was interested to read that the length of time during which chemo remains in your body can be variable. "A variety of factors can influence how long it takes for the drugs to leave your body, including the type of chemotherapy you’ve received, the presence of other medicines in your system, your age, and how well your liver and kidneys are working." You can read the full post here.
2. Livestrong's We Can Help resource site is a great place to check out for questions related to particular treatment or survivorship issues. For example, they share a really helpful review of potential body image issues you may encounter during and after treatment, as well as suggestions for ways to improve your body image if it is something you are struggling with.
3. Young Adult Cancer Canada's Community Stories page is wonderfully original site, full of posts from young adult patients, survivors, and caregivers covering a range of topics. One of my favorite posts there is called "Time to hang up the cape" by cancer survivor Carina Cameron. In it, she discusses the challenge of staying positive for those around you when you yourself are struggling to come to terms with your diagnosis. She also provides 6 tips for how to hang up the superhero cape you are seemingly forced to wear after diagnosis, and how to find ways to balance your own emotional needs with the emotional needs of those around you. You can read the full post here!
Finally, if you have not yet seen my book, check out the Amazon link above, where you can look inside the book, check out reviews, and buy the paperback or kindle versions! You can also follow me on twitter at @CESchilstra for updates about my book or blog :) That's all for now! Happy New Year and Best Wishes for a healthier, happier 2016!