When you have cancer as a teenager and lose your independence, it is incredibly difficult. During a time in your life when you are supposed to be gaining independence, it can be devastating to lose it all at once. I remember the countless nights I spent in the hospital and at home, not even able to go the bathroom without help. There were days I was so sick that my mom, dad, or nurse would have to help me walk in to the bathroom, sit me down, and help me up. There were many days when I couldn’t shower without my mom’s help, or even dress without her help at one point. I was self-conscious plenty of times and there were plenty of times when I just wanted to escape from it all. It felt like I was trapped inside of my own body and couldn’t seem to get out. Inside of you, that teenage mentality is gearing up and ready to break free and experience life, independently, as a young adult. Yet during treatment, your body can’t keep up and you find yourself completely dependent on those around you. That feeling can be incredibly frustrating and hard to deal with. Believe me, I struggled a lot with it during my treatment.
However, the best way to beat cancer is to accept that you can NOT get through cancer treatment without help. Don’t be afraid to turn to others for help while you are undergoing treatment. The great thing is that, as soon as your treatment is finished, the world will be there, waiting for you to experience it. You will be even more independent and self-sufficient than anyone else your age because you will truly appreciate the amazing feeling of being able to do things yourself. Consider taking a picture of your parent or caregiver helping you, so when you are done, you can always look back and remember how far you have come and what you have accomplished.